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EDUCATHE workshop is designed according to the general framework of the so-called „rites de passage“ (en. „Initiation ritual“) by anthropologist Victor Turner. That framework will be filled with techniques of Chekov, Boal, 

Stanislawski and other theatre greats – aided by the relaxing and energizing effects of Tai Ji, Qi gong and yoga.
In other words, this work combines advantages of a scientific insight with practical drama techniques. This combination is used with a goal of inciting creativity of participants and awaking their capabilities to act, which they will then focus into a joint performance.
Turners initiation process consists of three stages, which give the general process framework for the whole six days of the workshop, but also represent focuses of daily activates. In other words, even though those three stages have clear differences, they will be overlapped and pervaded – depending on the focus that we want to achieve in a specific moment of the workshop.


The first stage is a point in which participants will be encouraged to free themselves (to the greatest extent possible) from roles that they play in their everyday lives. In this stage they should recognize theatre as a space of freedom in which they can be whatever they wish; as a space which encourages reflexive and critique mind; and as a space of interaction among themselves but also between them and the audience. It is an interaction in which they can influence the public and convey a positive message about people with disabilities. This stage will occur every morning session, but the greatest emphasis on it will be on the first day of the workshop.

(10 - 13.04.2013.)

In this stage the participants will be encouraged to explore others, space and relations between them. Respectively, they will be invited to play and explore – in order to create elements of their performance that will emit to the audience a message of solidarity between society and the disabled and about the value of international cooperation between the EU and Croatia. This stage will result in a general rehearsal.


The last stage is the one in which the participants return to their everyday lives- enriched by the experiences of the workshop. Thus, they are symbolically „reborn“, this time as individuals who are ready to send a positive message about discrimination of people with disabilities to the audience. The participants will send this message on the last day of the workshop - when they all will give a public performance.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

© 2013 by Slon
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